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WElcome hOME

Aloha beautiful souls!

Thank you for taking interest in my music and messages.

I am on a mission to bring Heaven to Earth and Earth to Heaven, through the reform of our society, through the reform of our personal selves.

Inner transformation will lead us to forgiving ourselves as we become more and more aware of the results of our actions in this modern age.

We are a part of a BROKEN SYSTEM, but as we are able to see what is broken, we have the unique opportunity to BECOME the solution. I believe this change starts with the individual, because the individual who feels whole and complete, will not need to take energy from others or the planet in a destructive manner.

Once we can care about ourselves and each other enough (forgiveness helps), we will realize that we ALL deserve a clean, healthy, harmonious, and HAPPY peaceful planet.

When this becomes our strongest desire, we will naturally take steps to fix the damages done and work with the healers and helpers to transform this world.

Emilove Musical Medicine
Emilove Musical Medicine
Emilove Musical Medicine
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