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New Song Video Up! + Deep Questions! The Live & Intimate series continues with "There is a Belief"

To provoke even deeper thought beyond the song, here are some other big questions.

Do you believe YOU knew anything about your life before you were born?

Do you believe YOU planned your life before you lived it?

Do you believe that YOU had choices in planning the circumstances of your birth?

Did YOU agree to major events?

Did YOU give your conscious willingness to experience the plan?

What freedom do YOU now have to deviate from the plan?

What happens if YOU do deviate from the plan?

If so, WHICH "YOU"???


Evolving soul?

Highest-self, perfected spirit form?

Group-think consciousness?

Total unity consciousness? (God/Divine)

Can all of these exist in YOU at once?

I hope you enjoy pondering these questions. I'd love to hear your deep diving comments.

You have the answers within you. Ask the divine/God to help you sense them at the right pace for you.

Thank you beloveds.





Here's the lyrics of how I usually sing this song. This particular video I used "us" instead of you-- it's what came through. And since was a live and intimate video, I just went with it. Hope you enjoy the deep questions and thoughts within this melody.

There is a Belief (aka Why This Life)

There is a belief,

That believes,

Before you were born,

You knew many, many things.

You planned out your life,

Before you came to live it.

You chose those who'd help you,

Find your way within it.

Then through the wormhole,

Your new body was given.

Why this life?

Why this time?

Why this space?

Why this rhyme?

Why this face?

Why this mind?

Why this taste?

I must know inside.

If this sort of thinking,

Has any merit it all,

Why would we have chosen to,

Come here-after the fall,

Of humanity,

Mixed up with corporate greed.

What is it that I came here to see?

What did I come to do?

What’s my ultimate truth?

Did I just land on this planet,

To meet with all of you?

I guess a lifetime of experience

Takes a life of time,

And outside of this time-space,

We cannot learn to be man-kind.

Why this life?

I have come to love and sing.

Why this time?

The shift is quickening.

Why this space?

We are the Fortunate.

Why this rhyme?

To help us all tune in!

Why this face?

I guess it suits me best.

Why this mind?

I wanted challenges.

Why this taste?

Well it’s all packaged deal.

We all know inside.

Just notice how you feel.


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